Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Stoic Madrone 4 Tent: 4-person 3-season: $80 (60% Off)
This tent is designed to sleep the whole family. It has two doors and two vestibules for storage and easy entry and exit. Snap-in clips simplify the setup process, and a gear loft and pockets help keep your items organized and out of the way.
Black Diamond Spot 350 Headlamp: $24 (40% Off)
Black Diamond designed this headlamp with a waterproof housing to take on adventures in any kind of weather. The lamp utilizes the brand’s PowerTap technology, allowing you to cycle through modes and brightness levels with a simple tap.
The North Face Heritage Patch Full-Zip Hoodie — Men’s: $32 (50% Off)
Drawing inspiration from its early days, TNF designed this zip-up hoodie in a classic style. It is made with a cotton and polyester blend for breathable comfort, and has a standard fit, making it an option for everyday wear on chilly fall days.
SealLine BlockerLite Compression Cinch Sack — 10 Liters: $19 (53% Off)
This is the lightest of SealLines cinch sacks. It is splashproof, making it an option for lightweight organization on the trail or on the water. The compression system encircles the bag to provide consistent and even compression, while the drawcord opening makes it simple to grab your gear and go.