Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Backcountry Teo Hybrid Down Jacket — Men’s: $75 (70% Off)
This jacket combines 800-fill down and Polartec synthetic insulation for quick-drying warmth. The sleeves are made with ripstop fabric for durability, while Pertex Quantum Air fabric on the chest and laser-cut underarm ventilation provides breathability.
ALPS Mountaineering Upbeat 18L Lightweight Daypack: $27 (70% Off)
ALPS Mountaineering designed this ultralight pack for short hikes, travel, or outdoor days when all you need are the essentials. Three exterior mesh pockets hold your water bottles and grab-and-go gear. Ripstop fabric construction provides durability while the mesh straps add breathability.
Mountainsmith Celestial Tent — 2 Person 3 Season: $80 (56% Off)
This lightweight tent by Mountainsmith is easy and convenient to set up and use on backpacking trips with a partner. The poles are color-coded to make the setup simple. Two doors and two vestibules provide freedom of movement and gear storage for two. Trail weight is under 5 pounds, making it an option for a variety of camping trips.
CamelBak Reign 32oz Sport Bottle: $9-12 (20-40% Off)
Previous purchasers like the 32-ounce volume of this bottle as well as the dual valve. They claim that it works well for drinking as well as giving yourself a quick rinse after a long run or ride. The dual jet valve on the lid is designed to ensure ease of use.