Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
ALPS Mountaineering Lightweight Series Air Pad — Double: $77 (65% Off)
This sleeping pad is designed to meet your sleeping needs whether you’re camping solo or with a partner. The two pads can be combined or separated via hook-and-loop sides. It is made with ripstop fabric for durability and combines foam with inflation for extra comfort.
ALPS Mountaineering Rocking Chair: $135 (46% Off)
The rocker style of this chair makes it an option for relaxing days in the sun or under the stars. It is made with a powder-coated steel frame and polyester fabric for lightweight durability. It folds up for easy transport and is available in two different color options.
Stoic Crop Top — Women’s: $14 (70% Off)
Stoic designed this crop tank to be versatile enough to take you from a day on the trails to a night out on the town. The mesh back panel adds ventilation and the back pocket provides a spot to store a snack.
Klean Kanteen TKWide Insulated Water Bottle with Cafe Cap — 12 Fl. Oz.: $13 (54% Off)
Klean Kanteen designed this insulated bottle to keep drinks hot for up to 11 hours and iced for up to 38 hours. The cafe cap has an incorporated handle for ease of carrying. And the slim style makes it compatible with most cupholders.