Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
ALPS Mountaineering Lay-Z Lounger Camp Chair: $85 (50% Off)
If you like to kick back and relax at the campsite, this chair is an option. It has a steel frame with a 300-pound capacity, and an adjustable pillow designed for customizable comfort. The TechMesh fabric should provide breathable comfort while you’re lounging.
Garmin fenix 6S Pro Multisport GPS Watch: $227 (65% Off)
The fenix 6S Pro has a slimmer fit than the typical Garmin watch, for a more comfortable feel on the wrist. The battery lasts up to 9 days per charge in smartwatch mode. It includes all the typical features you look for in a smartwatch, like heart rate sensors, workout tracking, GPS, and more.
Basin and Range Sherpa Hooded Jacket — Women’s: $41 (70% Off)
With fall just around the corner, now is the prime time to update your cold weather wardrobe. A quality fleece jacket can be a game changer, and this one has an oversized fit, zippered pockets, and an adjustable drawcord hood for cozy protection from chilly weather.
Osprey Transporter Roll-Top Pack — Camo Slate Grey: $53 (57% Off)
Osprey designed this bag for the daily commuter. Whether you’re on the bus, your bike, or making the daily drive, this roll-top closure bag allows you to make sure all your daily gear comes with you. It has a padded laptop sleeve as well as a document sleeve, internal organization pockets, and zippered water bottle pockets.