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Feminine Freeride: Sick Sends From 2022 Purple Bull Formation


Red Bull’s Formation event wrapped up in southern Utah yesterday, and videos from the event are filling our feeds.

Red Bull Formation is a one-of-a-kind progression event designed to develop the skills of female freeride mountain bikers and progress the sport. The event welcomed 12 female riders and wrapped up yesterday after 6 days of learning and hard work in southern Utah. The rider list includes veterans from previous events and newcomers ready to cut their teeth on an extremely challenging course.

What Makes Red Bull Formation Special?

Over the course of 3 days, the athletes, mentors, and diggers work together to build lines that challenge the athletes. After the build process, there are 2 days of practice and a day of attempting the lines to round out the event.

You can watch the progression in this video —  these ladies develop their skills right in front of your eyes via helmet-mounted GoPros. Aside from the meteoric rise in skills leading to incredible sends, we get a close-up and heartwarming look at the kindness, stoke, and support between the athletes that truly makes this event so special.

Runtime: 5 minutes

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Tuesday Kahl

Tuesday Kirby Kahl is a native Texan now residing in Portland, OR. She’s spent most of her life as a coach and educator. In addition to her work as an Editor for GearHungry, she’s a competitive climbing coach. You’ll find her climbing, backcountry skiing, and paddle boarding all over the Cascades when she’s not working. When at home, she’s usually tending to her plants or painting with a cup of tea in hand.

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