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Examine Out ‘Grave Digger’: A Monster Bike With 36-Inch Wheels


Did you think mountain bike wheels would top out at 29 inches? This one-off build from Ted James Design begs to differ.

There’s plenty of debate out there about ideal wheel sizes for MTB. 

But put all that aside for a moment, and it’s hard not to appreciate this insane design. Ted James Design created this custom-made, titanium bike for cyclist Connor Dunn.

Dunn is about as tall as the nightmare creature from “Alien,” says Andrew “Doddy” Dodd, the presenter for GMBN Tech.

“He’s a man who’s so tall he has to fold himself through any doorway — a little like the alien when it’s chasing Sigourney Weaver, in fact,” Doddy says.

Paired with such a large human, the bike actually looks reasonable, which attests to the idea that perhaps MTB design depends as much on the individual as past standards. With its huge size and neon green accents, it’s appropriately named “Grave Digger,” after the monster truck.

“I suspect it’s going to roll over things just like a monster truck does,” Dodd says.

He’s not wrong.

Runtime: 16.5 minutes

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Andrew McLemore

An award-winning journalist and photographer, Andrew McLemore brings more than 14 years of experience to his position as Associate News Editor for Lola Digital Media. Andrew is a musician, climber and traveler who currently lives in Cuenca, Ecuador, which he uses as a home base for adventures throughout the Americas. When he’s not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he’s hanging out with his dog Campana.

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