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E3 Saxo Financial institution Basic LIVE


Harelbeke – Harelbeke 203.9 km

Some argument about if Strade Bianche is the sixth monument, here’s my argument: I dunno. But E3 for sure is The Party Monument. It’s on a Friday, the course is phenomenal and the racing is the relaxed, let-loose, “have some fun with it” version of Ronde van Vlaanderen. Just sit back, have a Kwaremont or two and enjoy.

Expected finish: 16:45 – 17:30 CET

Kapitein Happy-Fun-Time: Wout van Aert

I wanna say something crazy like “Victor Campanaerts” but I don’t see how a Wout, hungry for revenge after Sanremo, with a team like this misses. Maybe if one of his lieutenants Benoot or Laporte run away with it in a tactical play?

Official site , Startlist


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