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‘Conservation Direct’: How KUIU Is Difficult Custom


Bighorn sheep conservation can be an expensive endeavor. KUIU has decided to change the game.

Conservation Direct takes a completely different take on wildlife preservation. In late January 2020, KUIU brought together 16 generous customers and 34 volunteers to carry out the first ever company- and customer-funded transplant of a bighorn sheep.

In this short film, the team over at KUIU gives an inside look at the work being done by Conservation Direct. It’s genuinely awe-inspiring and doesn’t bother with any veiling of the challenge to other companies. KUIU knows what it’s doing works, and it wants others to do the same.

When questioned about how KUIU feels about other organizations copying them, conservation director, Brendan Burns, didn’t mince words. “I hope they do copy. If somebody else wants to do it, call me. I’ll tell you how to do it,” he said.

You can learn more about the work KUIU is doing with desert bighorn sheep and find out how to get involved online at Conservation Direct. You can also watch more films from KUIU over on its YouTube channel and check out some of our favorite gear from the brand.

Runtime: 15 minutes

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