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Carl Robust retiring (slowly) from customized titanium frames to give attention to Pursuit Carbon


For as long as I’ve been writing about bikes and going to NAHBS and Philly Bike Expo and other similar shows, one name has always been mentioned in reverence by other builders: Carl Strong.

Now, after almost 30 years of making custom bicycles mostly out of titanium, he’s putting out a last call for bikes before turning his attention to Pursuit Cycles full time. They’re taking 20 more orders, for 10 frames to be built in 2023, and 10 in 2024. And that’s it.

Carl launched Pursuit Cycles in 2016 with Jared Nelson to see what they could do with composites. Their first bike, the Mark 1 road bike, led to The Lead Out, each made in small batches. The latest Pursuit All Road is an absolute gem of a bike, and I’ve been fortunate enough to ride one for the past few months. It’s glorious.

Read his farewell letter from Strong Frames and then hurry up and get your order in if you’d like one of his final ti frames. Listen to our Bikerumor Podcast interview with him about “gravel” bikes and geometry, and my Build Cycle interview about how he built his business.


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