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‘Buried: The 1982 Alpine Meadows Avalanche’ Movie Simply Received 100% on Rotten Tomatoes


This film about a historic avalanche that buried Alpine Meadows Resort is making waves as one of the best outdoor documentaries of the year.

Some avalanches happen in the backcountry, some happen inbounds, and some bury entire resort villages. Then you’ve got avalanches like the one that occurred on March 31, 1982, at Alpine Meadows Resort in Lake Tahoe near Tahoe City, Calif.

The conditions had been serious all day long and created a perfect storm for a big slide. Then, around 3:45 p.m., a series of massive avalanches released along Poma Rocks, Buttress, and Don’s Nose. A churning ocean of snow descended, heading straight for Alpine Meadows’ base area.

Huge trees snapped like twigs, lifts were damaged, and the main lodge was utterly destroyed. Seven people died.

It was the most deadly event in Alpine Meadows’ history (now connected and known as Palisades Tahoe). And this year, a documentary titled “Buried: The 1982 Alpine Meadows Avalanche” tells the story 40 years after the fact.

Using current interviews with people who were on the scene, and both old and new footage, this film puts the tragedy in stark relief.

“Buried” won numerous awards from the Austin Film Festival, MountainFilm, BendFilm, and the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival. It recently released on iTunes and received a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes — from both critics and audiences.

So check it out. It might be one of the best outdoor films of 2022.

Runtime (trailer): 2 minutes

Screenshot OR AIARE Series - How to Spot an Avalanche
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In Outdoor Research’s brief avalanche safety video, an avi forecaster provides a crash course in avalanche terrain and goes over the basic tools every backcountry traveler should have. Read more…
Will Brendza

Will Brendza is a writer, journalist, and professional misfit based out of Boulder, Colorado. Will grew up on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, reenacting “Survivorman” episodes and studying books like “Hatchet,” “The Monkey Wrench Gang” and “Into the Wild”. He’s written on topics ranging from cannabis to local news, the environment and, of course, outdoor gear and adventure. If he’s not banging stories out on his computer, you’ll probably find Will skiing or mountain biking (depending on the season)—or drinking beer at some remote craft brewery.

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