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Brompton Electrical Folding Bike Recall — Mudguard Keep Corrective Motion


Effective March 21, 2022, Brompton Electric issued a voluntary recall of bikes fitted with a mudguard stay before a late-2021 upgrade. The defect impacts older model Brompton bikes. The new C Line Electric model is unaffected.

According to Brompton Electric’s recall press release, customers have reported incidents of injury resulting from the defect:

“In specific circumstances, if an object of a certain size becomes trapped between the bike’s mudguard stay and tyre, this can result in the mudguard getting caught on the tyre, and the bike’s wheel rotation becoming inhibited or stopping suddenly.”

Brompton did not provide the number of incidents that have occurred.

As a remedy, Brompton is providing owners of the affected bikes with the non-upgraded mudguard with a repair as part of the official recall.

The improvement is twofold — first, the brand will fit all returned bikes with an updated mudguard with an increased clearance between the guard and the tire. Second, it will update the battery catch of each returned unit with a modification to reduce movement between the bike and battery.

Customers holding older Brompton models should visit the brand’s site and follow the steps to secure the corrective upgrades.



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