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Blumenauer Bridge set to open Sunday: This is your information to the festivities


A lone rider squeezed through an opening of the construction fencing on Saturday to cruise up the new bridge toward the Lloyd. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)
“It’s really a dream come true for me,” Blumenauer said at the bridge this morning. (Photo: Taylor Griggs/BikePortland)

The opening of a carfree bridge across I-84 in Portland’s central city that’s named after a former city transportation commissioner and founder of the Congressional Bike Caucus is a very big deal.

The Lloyd and the Central Eastside will never be the same again!

So it’s fitting that there are a ton of activities lined up to mark the occasion of the official opening of the Congressman Earl Blumenauer Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge. The big day is Sunday July 31st.

And Congressman Blumenauer is ready. This morning, standing atop roaring freeway traffic he said, “It’s safe, it’s secure and it’s going to make a big difference for our community. This is going to be the next addition to a great network of non-motorized transportation. It’s really a dream come true for me.”

In addition to the standard photo-ops, smiling dignitaries and obscenely-sized scissors, there will also be a festival with 50+ booths, vendors, music, and all types of fun. And since this is Portland, there are several rides planned to and from the festivities.

Here’s a roundup of what’s going on:

Biketown will offer a $20 ride credit for all trips within the boundary of NE Multnomah to SE Alder and 9th Ave to MLK.

B on B on the BB – 8:00 am

The wonderful Breakfast on the Bridge folks will kick things off by offering free coffee, donuts and welcoming vibes to all who pass (and are smart enough to stop and pull over). B on B has been slinging caffeine and conversation on Portland bridges for 20 years now and what better way to celebrate this big milestone?! More info here.

AfroVillage Bike Ride – 10:00 am from Biketown Station on NW Broadway and Everett

This ride will begin with a short (walkable) tour of Old Town to highlight Black history and share a hopeful vision for unhoused Black Portlanders. The ride will end at the bridge for the dedication ceremony. More info here.

Milagro Plaza Block Party – 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on SE Stark and 6th

The Street Trust and Milagro Theater will host a get together with drinks and music and decorations to get your bike ready for a parade to the bridge.

Hassalo Plaza Block Party – 10:30 am to 3:00 pm Plaza at NE Hassalo and Eighth

Show up for coffee and snacks and get your bike decorated for a parade to the bridge for the opening ceremony. Then afterwards, come back to the plaza for a block party with a live jazz band and free bike repairs.

Aaron Appreciate Ride – 12:00 pm from south side of bridge

Friends of Aaron Proton Tarfman will meet and ride together to remember his life. Aaron was an ardent activist who wanted to live in a city free of cars. He would have been so excited to bike on this bridge! More info here.

Official Opening Ceremony – 12:00 to 12:30 pm at South Plaza

Hear remarks from Mr. Blumenauer himself, as well as PBOT Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty before they unveil the bronze plaque and cut the ribbon.

Bridge Architecture and Design Tour – 1:00 pm at North Plaza

If you are an urban planning and/or architecture nerd, you won’t want to miss this tour. Led by members of the design team, they’ll regale you with stories about the bridge design and its context in the urban setting.

Official PBOT Celebration Bike Ride – 1:30 to 3:30 at North Plaza

Learn everything you need to know about the future Green Loop on this 8-mile ride led by the City of Portland. More info here.

Depave Block Party – 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm at SE 7th and Sandy

As Taylor reported in her recap of the Complete Sandy Ride last week, Depave is planning a major green street project at the expansive SE Sandy/7th/Washington intersection. Come learn about what’s in store and take over your public space. There will be food, vendors, games, live music, and more. More info here.

Let us know if we missed anything and I’m happy to add it. And stay tuned for coverage from the opening.

View of the bridge from northeast looking southwest. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)


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