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Bike Loud PDX volunteers are spreading the #BikeLove


(Designs for Bike Loud PDX by Emily Guise)

“Some roses are red,
Some bike lanes are green,
Thank you for driving,
In ways that make me feel seen.”

That’s one of the messages on a series of cards and stickers local nonprofit Bike Loud PDX is handing out on the streets of Portland this month as part of their Love campaign (#BikeLove and #25x30PDX on social media). They have over 1,000 Velo-tines to pass out to strangers as they bike around town. The designs were created by Portland-based graphic designer Emily Guise.

Bike Loud volunteer Hami Ramani spreading the love.
(Photo: Bike Loud)

“Showing this love and expressing empathy to other Portlanders is one small way we can exemplify good behavior and magnify the feelings of joy biking can provide,” the group says.

Bike Loud has surged with recent growth, new leadership, and the recent launch of neighborhood chapters. They’re focused on building Portland’s bike usage rate to 25% of all trips by 2030 — the goal adopted by City Council when they passed Portland’s Bicycle Master Plan in 2010.

If you want to get your hands on these cards or stickers and help distribute them, join one of the Bike Loud rides this month like their weekly Farmer’s Market Ride on Saturdays, their upcoming general meeting, or on one of their chapter meet-ups on the 12th, 19th, 20th, 25th or 27th. Find details on all these events on our calendar. You can also email to order them.