With fewer conferences taking place (and more of them moving online than ever before) we’ve lost some of those much-loved opportunities to meet each other and exchange ideas and what’s working. So, we’ve set up a Discord server as a place to congregate, have those impromptu conversations, share what’s exciting us and chew the fat.
What is a Discord server?
Imagine Slack shacked up with Skype – that’s Discord. A Discord server is a digital platform that operates as a forum with video and voice capabilities too. Each community is called a ‘server’ and within the server are text channels (think Slack) and voice channels (think Skype).
How do you get started?
Hit the button below and make your Discord account (if you don’t already have one).
Take a look around the channels, and when you’re ready – get talking.
#general has some Discord tips to fast track your know-how.
Then head to #introduce_yourself say hi and see who else is around.
After that, the world (or server) is your oyster!
What’s so special about it?
Join in and find out!
We’re still lacking in some of our real-life opportunities to connect and catch up. This is a space to ask questions of your peers and share what’s holding you up, or what has worked really well in your region. Your experiences can be of huge value to someone else as we all unite around one cause – to get the world riding bikes!
Ready to hop in?
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