Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Altra Lone Peak 5 Trail-Running Shoes — Women’s & Men’s: $65 (50% Off)
Kammok Baya 3 Hammock Lounge: $209 (65% Off)
What’s better than one hammock? Three hammocks? This stand allows you to gather the whole group together without needing to hunt for the perfect trees. And the rust-resistant steel base is designed to last for years.
Mountain Hardwear Super/DS Stretchdown Hooded Jacket — Women’s: $137 (50% Off)
Named one of our best down jackets of 2022 for its impressive stretch and flexibility, this jacket will move however you need it to. And, the stitch-free baffle construction is designed to keep the 700-fill down inside the jacket.
Stoic Ultra Light Airpad: $24 (70% Off)
This sleeping pad features a self-inflating valve for easier setup and pack up. The TPU bottom helps protect from rocky ground, and the 3.1 R-value makes this pad suitable for three-season use.
Jack Wolfskin Evandale Jacket — Women’s & Men’s: $78 (35% Off)
This jacket uses a stretchy 2L waterproof breathable material with mesh lining the inside. The hood packs into the collar when you don’t need it. Adjust the hems, cuffs, and hood to keep wind and rain out.