,=Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Patagonia Down Sweater Jacket — Women’s & Men’s: From $159 (Up to 30% Off)
This classic down jacket is one of our favorite cool-weather layers. Lightweight, water-resistant ripstop fabric houses this jacket’s packable 800-fill down. It layers well and stuffs into its chest pocket to take on the go.
Kammok Roo Double Hammock: $47 (41% Off)
Hang out in this two-person hammock wherever you find trees — or get a stand to set it up anywhere. Made of soft, durable ripstop fabric, the whole thing packs into the attached stuff sack, which doubles as a storage pocket while in use.
Merrell Snowcreek Sport — Women’s: $72 (45% Off)
I’ve tested out these winter boots and found them comfy and cute for everyday winter use. They have a waterproof membrane and lightweight insulation. Plus, Merrell’s Quantum Grip soles stand up to slippery terrain.
Club Ride Sawtooth Flannel — Men’s: $63 (30% Off)
Designed for high-output activities, this flannel features mesh underarm vents and quick-dry, wicking fabric for breathability. It includes a snap pocket and a zippered hip pocket. Plus, it works for wearing around town too.
Jack Wolfskin Dna Rhapsody 3In1 — Women’s & Men’s: $203 (30% Off)
This three-in-one jacket includes a waterproof, windproof hardshell jacket as well as a fleece jacket. Zip them together for a warm winter coat, or use them separately as versatile layers.