Product Name: Anti-Aging Tips to Live The Healthiest Life
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Anti-Aging Tips to Live The Healthiest Life is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
BUT the data you are about
to acquire will give you the
best possible chance at it!
I am going to provide you with the best data I can source to help you to keep your looks, health, memory and vitality far longer than average by applying the very best anti-aging tips to avoid degenerative diseases now!
With all the conflicting data available, this can be quite a challenge. What if you could dramatically short cut your learning curve? What if someone could hand you the keys to the kingdom of good health? What if you could read one special report that contained a carefully researched compilation of the latest test results combined with age old tips presented in a synchronised and coordinated manner?
The diet and lifestyle decisions you make today affect how healthy you remain and how quickly your body ages. They are important decisions but not urgent. Like the medical profession, you could wait until it’s a crisis before you start managing it. I don’t recommend it, but you could do it. After all, most people do. It kills them, but it is still the norm, most others continue to do it. I’d like to think it was because they did not know any better because the lack of data I can easily solve.
This special report will put you miles ahead of the game. Your decision to acquire this data today could be the first of many you will make that will take you into the future in full possession of your physical health and mental capacity, disease and drug free. You just need to know how to do that.
Over the last eleven years I have spent well over 2,000 hours researching health, diet and anti-aging strategies. I have collected the very best of these anti-aging tips into a special report so you don’t have to spend the same 2,000+ hours ferreting them out.
If you are aged 25 or over, your body has already peaked.
Your body has been as good as it will ever be. If you have hit age 35 your body has already lost 14% of your hormone production capacity. You are now on the slippery slope towards overweight or obesity, cancer, heart disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease that is the sorry lot of the vast majority. In Western civilization currently 91% of people die from heart disease, cancer or neurodegenerative disease (stroke, Alzheimer’s or the like). In the USA it’s 95%.
These degenerative diseases are mostly avoidable!
To help you avoid them I have compiled a special report of anti-aging tips. More than 800 pages of the best anti-aging strategies and tips I have read and heard in over 2,000 hours and hundreds of dollars of research on health, nutrition, diet and exercise. It contains both the wisdom of the ancients and the latest cutting edge breakthroughs in anti-aging research to keep you living the healthiest life.
If you read it and for what ever reason you do not think the pearls of wisdom contained in my anti-aging report worth substantially more to you than what you paid for it, let me know. I will refund your money. Read and apply the data for eight full weeks before you need to make up your mind!
It’s that simple. To access the data straight away, click on the Add to Cart text link below, enter your email address and payment details and I will forward you to pdf or a download link.
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To attain helghts not reached by others, you have to travel a different route! 90%+ of people are dying prematurely due to avoidable degenerative diseases. You need to finds out what causes those diseases and what you can do to reduce your risk of suffering from them. That’s what my special report will do for you. Point out those things that will kill nearly everyone who does not know what they are and how to avoid them.
There is a secret war going on for the control of your mind and body. The prize is who gets control of your aging body, you or the drug companies. And how can you possible win a war you don’t even know you are fighting?
The drug companies want you on an ever increasing number of medications for the symptoms of diseases they cannot cure. As part of this secret war they and their accomplices attack and discredit the very things that could prevent diseases in the first place, like vitamins! Now if that weren’t bad enough, not only do that but they also withhold potentially life saving information from doctors and illegally promote the use of their drugs for conditions they have not the approval to treat.
You, on the other hand, want to look good, feel great, be healthy, happy and to enjoy life to the fullest.
If you win this war you’ll enjoy an old age of reasonable health with your memory and body in good shape, drug and medication free for a very long time. If you lose you’ll be short changed a healthy retirement, and live life increasingly incapacitated and incapable and increasingly dependent on medication. Which would you prefer?
I want you to win your war.
I want you to have the latest health research and age old secrets so you are armed with the data to win your war.
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Do you still trust those who profit only from your sickness and not from your health? I am sorry to have to tell you this but the sad, horrible truth of the matter is that you cannot rely on your doctor to keep you healthy. When was the last time your doctor rang you or sent you an email saying, “Just read the latest anti-aging research and you need to be taking this vitamin to reduce the rate at which your body ages by a whopping 51%.”? Most of them know next to nothing about nutrition and are fed a constant diet of drug company propaganda and freebies.
To do the very best for your health you need to educate yourself. You need to arm yourself with the facts so you don’t become a victim to those who would profit from your sickness.
I have heard many stories that cause some to label the medical profession a “disease racket”. They are accused of being focused on building up a client base for whom they are treating the symptoms of incurable diseases rather than maintaining and prolonging good health.
Sure, not every one in the profession is like that but the system is and the system bars many doctors from telling you what they know that does not agree with the official line.
That’s what you will get from my special report. An education into what factors cause body aging and mental decline and what specific actions you can take to prevent, reverse or slow these aging factors.
To get your copy of my special report just click on the button [Add to Cart] and make sure your email address is accurate so I can get your electronic copy to you as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, if you prefer to read hard copy, you will be offered the option of a paper copy in addition to the digital format.
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In this no holds barred, no punches pulled special report I reveal the latest cutting edge research results from health and anti-aging researchers that will help put you more in control of your own health destiny. This is not a “finish in 5 minutes with nothing new here” read. This anti-aging report contains:
What are the financial consequences of not having this potentially life saving data? Somewhere between thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars in future medical bills?
Don’t put off what it takes to feel better and reduce your health risks. Start doing the things today that will result in a better looking and healthier body, a sharper intellect, better memory and happier you.
Simply click the link Add to Cart, fill in your email address accurately so I can send you the link to download the key datums to a healthier, happier you.
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With many of the key bits of information in my special report I have included a link to the source article web site so you can click on it to view the entire article or additional data to that which I included.
As you can see from the list of chapters to the right, I am not pushing one remedy to solve only one problem. For two years I have heavily invested my time into researching the latest, most effective, natural (non-drug) things you can do to improve your overall, long-term health, not just one small aspect of it.
All through the book I provide you with specific, actionable targets, things for you to do to start getting the benefits from the data in the book. This removes most of the possibility of you reading the book and not finding yourself implementing the data.
You can. But be prepared to do the following to get the information in my special report:
1. The research results documented in this special report are not hypothetical opinions, they are those proven in clinical and field tests to improve your health and well being as well as significantly lower your risk of all sorts of degenerative diseases.
2. This anti-aging report will save you 2,000 hours of your time researching the data yourself.
3. Many authors deliver a one concept solution. Life is not like that, it is comprehensive, sophisticated and complex. I have cast my research net far and wide to gather anti-aging data to help your age gracefully.
5. You will get much more usable data from the 860+ pages of data in this special anti-aging report than a visit to the doctor and this report comes to you at about the cost of a single visit to the doctor.
6. This report gives you data I bet most doctors don’t know.
7. If you pick up and implement just one fact, one idea you don’t already know, that idea has the potential to save you tens of thousands of dollars worth of medical expenses, untold suffering and add years of enjoyment to your life. And with dozens and dozens of tips, you can’t help but find one to implement.
8. Even if you spent the time to discover all the tips I have included in this book, along the way you would have been exposed to a large number of contradictory datums, false datums, incomplete data, partial truths and lies, biased and slanted viewpoints etc. I have saved you the time resolving those by distilling the best data and delivering it in a consistent, coordinated and syncronised presentation.
9. Having all the data available to you in a single location will provide a time-saving, ready reference guide to it for many years to come.
10. There is no risk to you. I am offering you a 100% money back guarantee.
12. I have in my possession a thick book of health tips. Despite it being less than three years old, many of these tips are actually based on false data and are destructive. You won’t find that sort of destructive advice in my special anti-aging report.
13. After reading this report you will have sufficient data to be less likely to trust a doctor implicitly, more likely to double check and get a second opinion. Even to have someone with you when if you have the misfortune of going to hospital. This could save you from being one of the hundreds of thousands of people killed each year by medical accidents. Do you know that is one of the largest single causes of death?
15. There is one single supplement mentioned in my special report that I personally take and recommend that claims to reduce the aging process by up to 51%! And that is only one of many I take, only one of many I describe in my special report. How would you feel about reducing your aging process by 50%?
Traditional marketing strategy dictates that about now I should give you some urgent deadline, a manufactured reason you should take action now otherwise the price of the book will go up, the book will only be sold for x days etc.
I am not going to do that.
The truth is your body clock is the best call to action you should ever need! It’s like a ticking time bomb. Trouble is, we don’t train our ears to hear it. Every day your body is making a million cancer cells. Hopefully, every day your body is also killing a million cancer cells.
Every day you are consuming foods that increase your body’s inflammation and glycation levels, toxins that overload your body’s detoxifying capabilities and you are going futher into nutritional deficit by consuming food deficient in vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients.
The sooner you take action to learn what to do to minimise the damage being done to your body by the passage of time and these other destructive influences, the sooner you slow the degenerative processes and the healthier and happier you will be.
Remember, you will either pay the price it takes to live the healthiest life or you will pay the price of disease and an early death. Which price you pay is up to you.
A healthier you is waiting. Go ahead and click Add to Cart.
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If you have read this far and are not motivated to grab this special report with both hands and immediately start implementing the tips then I make no apologies for being blunt in what I am about to say. If you are easily offended, best you close this page now.
Just be aware that you are probably making a conscious decision to die early.
Most people would rather die than learn.
Most people would rather die than change their mind.
Most people would rather die than exercise self-discipline.
It is my considered opinion that our ignorance and lack of self-discipline are our two most formidable enemies. What we don’t know and what we know we should do but do not discipline ourselves to do are the two things that will kill us. Gradually or suddenly.
Don’t accept ill health and early death by default. Just because more than 90% of people in the western world do is no reason you should. You are here now with the opportunity to avail yourself of the knowledge that could save not only your life but the lives of many other people. What you do with your life is an example for many other people. Read and apply the data in this report. Make your life a great example!
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Hi Tom,
This is just Brilliant!
I’m up to page 29.
I am engrossed as each page is full of vital information and easy to read.
This would be an essential tool for teachers at… …school and so vital for the young there.
The description of the body in You and Your Body is Brilliant.
I continue and making resolutions as I go.
Thanks so much for this Genious work.
Claudette 🙂
I love your style – very easy to read and amusing. I like the range of content and know this will help me with improving my baseline health and reinforcing the new habits I am developing since my decision to lose weight. Loved the bit on self-discipline and choosing which pain you want! (Exactly where I am at!)
All in all – I am excited by your book and congratulate you on creating it. There are so many peole who will find it helpful I am sure.
More later when I have read some more! – Jennifer
“I started your book and read heaps. I loved the action steps and clarity you provide on the terms. I tried out my virtual age and expected date of body demise. Interesting stuff – it made me really think about making my own targets much more specific.
Your section on exercise inspired me and I checked out the high intensity interval training stuff. Since then I have done some Pilates every other day for 30 mins and a programme of skipping and running for the interval training on the other days. I always feel revitalised when I have done my sessions and my muscle tone has improved. I have always known my body likes exercise but had the excuse of “too hard” to fit in with the kids and too expensive to go to the gym. But now I am just “doing it” and the kids sometimes join in too. I like the interval training as I am keeping the focus on fun as well as fitness.” – Tara
“The difference about your book is that not only does it provide great data but due to the large number of links you provide it’s like a roadmap to a lot of different data that helps keep your blinkers on.” – Edwin
Table of ContentsSection 1 – Introduction & Orientation
Fast Start Guide
Will You Read This Book?
How To Read This book
Existing and Ideal Scenes
Reduce The Gap
Some Statistics
On Lifespans
The Pillars of Optimal Health
Constructive ImpatienceSection 2 – The Body, What Is It, How Does It Work?
You and Your Body
Your Body’s Immune System
The Optimal Condition for a Body
Some Body Statistics
What’s YOUR Goal?
The Villain of the Piece – AAADD – Artificially Accelerated Aging and Degenerative Disease
Mainstream Medicine – Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Doctors and Nutrition
Is Your Body Really Hungry? – The Seven Types of Hunger
HormonesSection 3 – Body Fuel – Air, Water and Nutrition
What’s Your Nutritional Awareness Level?
The Purpose of Food
What is the Optimal Diet?
CRONies (Calorie Restriction, Optimal Nutrition)
Hunter/Gatherer Diet
Carnivore or Vegetarian or Vegan?
Listen To Your Body
MACRO and MICRO Nutrients
Sugar and Other Sweeteners
Glycemic Index
Fats and Oils
Butter versus Margarine
Vitamins, Minerals and Other Supplements
Survival Versus Longevity Nutrients
Fulvic Acid
When to Take Your Vitamins and Supplements
Raw and Live Foods
Food Combining
Acid/Alkaline Diet
Meal Composition and size
Food Handling and Preparation
Cooking Food
Keeping Stored Food Fresh
Immune System Boosters
Avoid Antibiotics
Natural Antibiotics
Herbs and Spices
Intelligence and Memory
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
Cow’s Milk and Bone Health
Breastfeeding Babies
Tom’s Recipes
Performance Enhancement
FastingSection 4 – Toxins
Understanding Toxicity and Anti-Aging
Immune System Suppressors
ElectroMagnetic Frequency/Radiation
Poison in the Air
Poison in the Cleaning Products
Poison in the Drinks – Alcohol
Poison in the Food
Poison in the Garden
Poison in the Lights
Poison in the Medications
Poison in the Pantry
Poison in the Water
Poison on the Skin
Toxic Clothes
How to Reduce the Toxic Effects of a Vaccination
X-RaysSection 5 – Your Mind
Self Management – It’s All In the State of Mind
Improving Your Chances for Success
Where is Your Line in the Sand?
Intention / Motivation Level
Which Pain Will You Suffer?
Laughter – Still the Best Medicine
Not Knowing Your Basic Purpose and Lack of a Goal
PsychiatrySection 6 – Lifestyle Choices and Your Environment
Sedentary Lifestyle
Physical Fitness
Stretching Exercises
Pet Ownership
SilenceSection 7 – Your Environment
Disaster PreparednessSection 8 – Slowing the Aging Process
What is Aging?
On Increasing Your Lifespan
The Five Processes of Aging
Dr Tsang’s Theories of Aging & Natural Anti-Aging Strategies
Inflammation Reducers
Oxidation, Free Radicals and Antioxidants
Anti-Aging Nutrients
Brain Boosting Exercises
Fasting and Longevity
Tools to UseSection 9 – Closing Comments
Pay It Forward
EpilogueVolume IISection 10 – Illnesses, Diseases and Other Health Issues
Acid Reflux
Alzheimer’s Disease
Autoimmune Disease
Cancer – Angiogenesis
Cancer – Chemotherapy
Cancer Prevention
Cancer Detection and Diagnosis
Cancer Treatment Data
Cancer – Data on Types of
Colds and Flu, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Crohn’s Disease
Digestive Upsets
Down Syndrome
Drug Withdrawal
Dry Skin
Ear Infections
Elimination Diet
Erectile Dysfunction
Fatty Liver Disease (Hepatis Steatosis)
Food Allergies and Intolerances
Food Testing
Frozen Shoulder
Gluten Intolerance and Coeliac Disease
Hair Loss/Greying
Heart Disease
Hypertension – High Blood Pressure
Iron Overload and Hemochromatosis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Kidney Stones
Low Energy Level
Lung Congestion
Lyme Disease
Mosquito Bites
Mold Toxicity
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
MTHFR Gene Mutation
NIHL (Noise Induced Hearing Loss)
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Numbness or Pains in the Legs
Parkinson’s Disease
Prostate Problems
Radiation Exposure
Receding Gums
Restless Leg Syndrome
Root Canals
Skin Conditions
Overcoming Sleep Problems
Stomach Upsets
Sun Screen
Tooth Decay (Dental Caries)
Varicose Veins
Weight Gain – Data
Weight Loss – Data
Weight Loss Tips
White Spots on Nails
WrinklesSection 11 – Glossary
Shortly after creating the first issue of my report I spoke with Paul, one of the first readers of it when he was at the tail end of reading my anti-aging special report. Apparently his long suffering wife is afflicted with hay-fever and can sneeze 50-60 times a day. He read in my book of a supplement that has been proven to reduce hay-fever symptoms, so he went out and purchased some. Upon taking the recommended dose his wife’s symptoms all but disappeared – she was down to 5-6 sneezes for the day.
Needles to say he is ecstatic! He thanked me very much for taking the time to compile the special report and said he would have paid the purchase price of the whole report just for that one paragraph!
These testimonials are from people who started reading my special report and, importantly, applying some of the many life-changing tips in there. So, believe it or not, they are not typical.
To be completely, brutally honest, the tragic truth is that the average person who buys my special report will probably not even open it.
I heard at an internet seminar a few years ago that if you could tolerate a 30% refund rate you could ship empty boxes. The speaker meant by that statement that 70% of purchasers never even opened the boxes that they bought let alone used the contents. Horrific, isn’t it? Please do not let that happen to you!
I sincerely want you to dodge the bullets that will kill 95% of your family, friends, neighbours and associates. So please, when you get my special report, open it and read just one chapter that takes your fancy and apply SOMETHING in it straight away. I’d love to receive your success story after you change your life for the better as a result of implementing the tips in the report.
I like to think that every tip applied is a bullet dodged.
By the way I have started reading your book, great stuff!
Thanks again for recommending it. – Elise
Tip to the Shopaholics
I have recently cured myself from being a shopaholic. I was an avid internet marketing junkie, purchasing almost every low-priced shiny gadget that promised to take my internet marketing success to stratospheric heights at supersonic speeds.
If you are like that on health related stuff, let me offer some advice. No purchase of data ever attained anything worthwhile. Only the application of the data yields results!
This special report is special because it contains data from a great many sources. It is not just my ideas or think, although I do express some opinions. It is VERY comprehensive! It contains so much data, so many great tips and suggestions that it will take you quite a while to implement them all.
What I would do if I were you is to resolve not to spend any more money on health related issues until such time as you have read and implemented the strategies and tactics in this report.
The only qualifier I would place on that is if you are suffering from a life-threatening condition then you would obviously purchase whatever it took that had a track record of curing that condition. Not just something promoted by someone that would make them the downpayment for their new yacht!
Remember, every tip applied is a bullet dodged.
By the way I have started reading your book, great stuff!
Thanks again for recommending it. – Elise
I have recently cured myself from being a shopaholic. I was an avid internet marketing junkie, purchasing almost every low-priced shiny gadget that promised to take my internet marketing success to stratospheric heights at supersonic speeds.
If you are like that on health related stuff, let me offer some advice. No purchase of data ever attained anything worthwhile. Only the application of the data yields results!
This special report is special because it contains data from a great many sources. It is not just my ideas or think, although I do express some opinions. It is VERY comprehensive! It contains so much data, so many great tips and suggestions that it will take you quite a while to implement them all.
What I would do if I were you is to resolve not to spend any more money on health related issues until such time as you have read and implemented the strategies and tactics in this report.
The only qualifier I would place on that is if you are suffering from a life-threatening condition then you would obviously purchase whatever it took that had a track record of curing that condition. Not just something promoted by someone that would make them the downpayment for their new yacht!
Remember, every tip applied is a bullet dodged.
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Anti-Aging Tips to Live The Healthiest Life is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.