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Alert: Flooding and landslides shut sections of EasTrail, Snoqualmie Valley Path + extra


Photo of a flooded street next to a bridge.

Flooding on Reinig Rd near the Snoqulmie Valley Trail bridge over the river. Photo from King County Parks.

An enormous amount of water has fallen on our region, leading to flooding and landslides. So if you are planning a bike ride on a route near a river, be sure to check in with the King County Roads and Parks alert websites.

The worst flooding as of press time is along the Snoqualmie River. It is best to stay away, as there are road and trail closures at various points between Duvall and North Bend. This is not the day to ride the Snoqualmie Valley Trail if you can avoid it.

King County Parks also listed the following trail closures Monday due to flooding and other rain-related hazards:

  • Eastrail – Section of trail in Renton near Gene Coulon Park is closed due to landslide covering trail.
  • Lake Youngs Trail – Section of trail is closed from 148th Ave SE to SE 224th St due to hazardous tree.
  • Preston-Snoqualmie South Trails – Bridge 2272-2 closed to vehicles and pedestrians
  • Soaring Eagle Park – Iron Goat trail within the park closed for reroute

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