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Alert 1/21-24: Montlake Bridge is absolutely closed this weekend for upkeep


Map of Montlake Bridge closure. Shuttle stop locations noted in story body.The Montlake Bridge will be closed for maintenance this weekend starting 10 p.m. Friday (today) and ending 5 a.m. Monday. The closure includes the sidewalks as well as the roadway.

There will be a shuttle to take people on foot or bike around the closure, but you’re probably best off rerouting to the University Bridge if possible.

As we wrote when the University Bridge was closed in November, the detour options between the Montlake and University Bridges on the south side of the Ship Canal are not great. It’s best to plan your reroute early rather than riding all the way to the closed bridge, then detouring. Perhaps this is a good excuse to ride Interlaken Boulevard.

Details from WSDOT:

The SR 513 Montlake Bridge will be closed from 10 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21 to 5 a.m. Monday, Jan. 24. The bridge sidewalks will also be closed.

  • Shuttles will be available to transport pedestrians and bicyclists from one side of the bridge to the other using a detour route. The shuttle stop on the north end is near the bus stop on eastbound Northeast Pacific Street just west of Montlake Boulevard. The stop on the southern end is on southbound Montlake Boulevard just south of Shelby Street. Shuttles will run from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily on Saturday and Sunday. The sidewalks will be open outside of those hours.

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