
Screenshot of the map as of June 16. From what I can tell after clicking around randomly for a while, nearly every comment is about safety, walking, biking or transit. Add your comments here.
The city is currently developing a major, all-inclusive transportation plan they are calling the Seattle Transportation Plan. The plan covers “more than just roads,” according to the city’s online engagement tool. It also includes “sidewalks, bridges, stairways, transit, paths and trails, bike lanes, crosswalks, public spaces like street cafes and benches, and much more.”
The plan could supersede the Bicycle Master Plan, which passed in 2014 after years of development and public outreach. It will also form the basis for the next major city transportation funding measure to replace the Move Seattle Levy, which expires at the end of 2024. The scale of the unfunded needs identified during the Transportation Plan process will likely form the basis for Move Seattle’s replacement. So because we need our city to go big and bold on walking, biking and transit investments, we first need to make sure the Plan identifies these needs.
This is where you come in. You can go online right now and add comments to the city’s map of “challenges and opportunities.” Even if your idea is already there from someone else, add it again in your own voice. There are already hundreds of comments, and nearly all of them are about making streets safer or more welcoming to people walking or biking. Let’s keep that going. You can also leave a general comment if you don’t have particular spots to identify.
The city is also hosting a virtual meeting 6 p.m. June 21. Details:
Join us for a virtual meeting on June 21, 2022 at 6 pm!
This meeting will be an opportunity to share your ideas for the future of transportation in Seattle and to share your comments on the Environmental Impact Statement.
How to participate:
Seattle has an incredible opportunity here to lead the nation in making transformative investments in walking, biking and transit. With a potential funding measure due up during a Presidential election year, the city could go really big with its dreams as the high voter turnout helps push the measure over the top. But they will need big, attractive goals to secure the votes needed, and this plan can set those goals.
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