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A Tribute To Iohan Gueorguiev (1988-2021)


I, Iohan, want to see the world.
Follow a map to its edges, and keep going.
Forgo the plans. Trust my instincts.
Let curiosity be my guide.
I want to change hemispheres.
Sleep with unfamiliar stars.
And let the journey unfold before me.

This is the printed manifesto that Iohan Gueorguiev carried when he set off on his ride on the ice highways of northern Canada. Whenever things got tough, Iohan would take a peek and remind himself of his dreams, his skills and his flexibility.

Over the years that followed, Iohan would see the world, and then some. He cycled the most remote routes imaginable in the Americas, beginning at the Arctic Circle, and finishing all the way down in Argentina. And he graciously brought us all along on his journey too.

Unfortunately, Iohan’s journey in this world came to end on August 19th, 2021. Iohan had been struggling with insomnia caused by obstructive sleep apnea for several years, and combined with depression, it finally became too much to bear (suicide).

Iohan lived the life that many of us have always dreamed of. He was outside and free, connecting deeply with people, animals and his surroundings. He was out experiencing everything the world had to offer.

Iohan was a friendly, generous and humble guy. He would always share his routes, travel tips and filming tips with other folks in the community. He even supported other YouTube creators financially, despite living on a shoestring.

Iohan showed us that the world is beautiful at a time when the news reports are often so grim. He taught an entire generation of bike travellers how to calculate risk, be calm in adversity, trust themselves, and to find humour in very difficult situations. He is personally responsible for exposing thousands of people to the idea of bike travel, many of whom are now carrying his flag.

Thank you Iohan for the journey so far. We will always be travelling with you in our hearts.


Some of Iohan’s ashes have been spread at the top of Grey Creek Pass, near Cranbrook in Canada.

Please consider supporting suicide prevention organisations or sleep disorder awareness foundations. And please check in with your friends and family as regularly as possible to see if they need help.

This is a list of suicide crisis phone numbers in every country.
The Sleep Apnea Foundation

Please keep watching and enjoying Iohan’s films.
And reading his blog.
Here is a Spotify playlist with Iohan’s music.

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