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A Entire New Era Of Smugness! – Bike Snob NYC


Well, it’s Monday, and the Platypus is spunky:

While the local fauna is skunky:

Or it may just have been a seriously hung-over Easter Bunny.

Multi-hued eggs weren’t all we found in our Easter basket, either. Awhile back I heard from someone on behalf of Woom Bikes. Woom, it seemed, were introducing a line of cargo bikes for kids, and they wondered if this would interest me. It did indeed, since my older son now rides to school, and he does so in a backpack weighing roughly 500lbs. (Why they still need so schlep so much crap back and forth when they do everything on computers now is beyond me.) A cargo bike seemed like just the thing, so I asked if we could try one and look what turned up over the weekend:

I should note the Woom NOW (that’s what it’s called) comes three sizes: the 4, the 5, and the 6:

While my older son is just about to turn 12, he’s at the upper end of the height range for the 6. In fact he already rides my bikes, and lately he’s been riding to school on the Jones LWB:

Given this, I wondered if maybe I hadn’t made a mistake by not asking for a bike for my 7 year-old instead, since he’s right in the sweet spot for a 4. (I even went so far as to ask if they could spare a 4 as well, even though I knew it was pushing it.) However, the truth is my younger son really doesn’t have all that much to carry anyway, and it’s not like he’s going anywhere on his bike alone; if he’s riding he’s with me, so obviously I’m gonna carry his crap for him. Plus, maybe this way I’ll get my Jones back. Anyway, here it is:

One of the first things I noticed as we unboxed it was the dynamo hub:

It also comes with the largest owner’s manual I’ve ever seen outside of the glove compartment of a Hyundai:

The kids are out of school this week for spring break, and what kind of parent would I be if I didn’t put them to work?

Even with all my lecturing and bloviating we got the bike together in no time and took it outside for a shakedown ride:

While it’s only been up and down t block so far it’s asymmetrically handsome and seems rather capable:

It’s got dynamo-powered lights both front…:

…and rear:

It’s got the front rack…:

…that folds up when you’re riding your friend around:

As well as a little mesh frame bag with magnetic closure:

The rear wheel is 26″ and the front wheel is 20″:

Grip Shift (or the Microshift equivalent):

Single ring:

Eight speeds:

And hydraulic disc brakes:

Kids bikes have come a long way…


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