Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on apparel, coolers, blankets, and more.
Western Rise Evolution Pant 2.0: $90 (30% Off w/ Code HOLIDAY30)
These five-pocket pants made our list of the best men’s travel pants of 2022 because the second generation of these pants adds more stretch to what was already a highly regarded clothing choice around the office. DWR coating allows you to take on less-than-savory weather during travel or even hiking.
ICEMULE Pro Large 23L: $104 (20% Off w/ Code ADVENTURE20)
This backpack-style soft cooler makes an easy-to-carry option for tailgating, hiking, camping, and more. The 23L capacity can accommodate up to 18 cans with room for ice. Customers have found it to be easy to pack, store, and carry, and have been impressed with ice retention.
Kammok Mountain Blanket Printed: $105 (30% Off w/ Free Outsider Membership)
Kammok lined this blanket with ultra-plush fleece to provide cozy warmth whether you’re on the couch or at the campsite. An opening in the center allows you to wear the blanket as a poncho for on-the-go warmth. The ripstop polyester outer side is designed to be durable enough to withstand the elements outdoors and fight spills when things get messy.
XTRATUF 6in Ankle Deck Boot — Men’s & Women’s: $98 (15% Off w/ Code AFFHOLIDAY15)
The year-round usefulness of these boots is what earned them an honorable mention on our list of the best winter boots for men in 2022-2023. While they’re not designed with a support level appropriate for heavy work, they slide on easily and work well for daily trips, tasks, and gardening. They are waterproof and have a slip-resistant outsole, making them an easy option for the winter months as well as spring showers.
Chrome Industries Tensile Hip Pack: $72 (40% Off)
Chrome designed this bag to hold all of your EDC essentials. It can be worn on the hip or across the chest. Truss 5 Bar Construction provides reinforcement while separated compartments with internal pockets keep you organized.