Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Outdoor Research Women’s Kulshan Storm Jacket: $135 (70% Off)
The brand designed this GORE-TEX jacket to give you optimal performance on the slopes as well as the ability to stand up to stormy weather. It has an adjustable hood that is compatible with your helmet, as well as a powder skirt, pit zips, and a dedicated ski pass pocket.
Osprey Siskin 8 Hydration Pack — Men’s: $84 (30% Off)
This hydration pack is designed to take on day trips. It has a 2.5L reservoir and 8 L of gear storage capacity. The front stuff pocket allows you to throw in some quick grab-and-go items, while the U-zip style makes it easy to access your gear in the main compartment.
REI Co-op Helix Insulated Air Sleeping Pad: $95 (40% Off)
With an R-value of 4.9, this sleeping pad is designed to keep you comfortable in lower temps. Every version of this pad weighs in below 2 pounds, making it an ultralight option when packing light is essential.
Backcountry Carbon Trekking Poles: $80 (55% Off)
Backcountry made these trekking poles with the intention of providing reliable stability without much weight. They are made with lightweight carbon and have cork grips. The collapsible design makes storage simple when they are not in use.