Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on fire pits, paddleboards, spotting scopes, and more.
Solo Stove Bonfire Essential Bundle 2.0: $340 (40% Off)
Solo Stove designed its mid-size firepit to take you to the backyard and beyond. Big enough for backyard lounging and small enough to transport to the campsite, this essentials bundle includes the fire pit, stand, lid, removable ash pan, and carry case.
iROCKER NAUTICAL 10’6″ Inflatable Paddle Board: $350 (36% Off)
This SUP is one of iROCKER’s bestsellers. It is designed for beginners, with the emphasis put on stability and ease of use. The 240-pound weight capacity provides room for you and a smaller paddle partner, dog, or kid.
Five Ten Kestrel Pro BOA Shoe — Men’s: $154 (30% Off)
This all-weather mountain bike shoe is designed with a stiff carbon-infused shank to maximize power transfer. Dial closure allows you to adjust fit, while the toebox is a bit roomier than other Kestrel Boa shoes.
Smith I/O MAG ChromaPop Goggles: $162 (40% Off)
The magnetic frame on these goggles allows you to swap out the lenses to fit your needs. A hydrophobic coating is designed to repel moisture and grease to keep your view clear. It’s available in five different band designs.
Maven S.2 – 12-27X56 Spotting Scope: $840 ($210 Off)
The brand designed this scope to be high-performing and lightweight. Thoughtful ergonomic design, fluorite glass, and an Abbe-Koenig prism aim to make this spotting scope an option for those who prefer to keep their gear-weight light without losing effectiveness.