Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Patagonia Classic Retro-X Fleece Jacket — Women’s: $99 (50% Off)
Combine fun retro style with the warmth, comfort, and quality that Patagonia is known for, and you get this fleece jacket. It has a windproof barrier to keep you safe from the elements and a vertical zip pocket and two zippered hand pockets to keep your items secure.
Uncharted Supply Co. The SEVENTY2 Survival System: $259 (35% Off)
Uncharted Supply Co. is having its annual “Preptember” sale (it’s Emergency Preparedness Month!), which means you can save 35% on high-quality survival gear like this 72-hour System. It includes food, first aid, tools, water bottle and filters, warmth solutions, and more to get you through 72 hours in a survival situation, all packed neatly into the included backpack.
ALPS Mountaineering Greycliff 3 Tent 3-Person 3-Season: $104 (60% Off)
This tent weighs just over 7 pounds, making it an option for camping trips with your crew. It has a double vestibule for gear storage and a full-coverage fly for extra protection from the elements. It has pole clips for simple setup and takedown.
Outdoor Research Moab Sun Hat: $22 (51% Off)
Outdoor Research designed this hat with a sweat-wicking headband to keep you dry on hot days. It has a snap-up brim so you can control your shade, and it offers UPF 50-plus protection from sun rays.