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Watch Western States Ultrarunners Focus on Head Recreation for Ending 100 Miles


Watch three of adidas’ most accomplished female runners answer the age-old question: Why the hell would you run 100 miles?

Maybe you missed the memo, but ultramarathons aren’t easy. At four times the distance of the mythic 26-mile run from Greek history, these epics require more than just physical ability.

The latest vid from adidas asks three of its best female runners to explain their drive for the sport leading up to the Western States 100. Why do they run ultramarathons? And what does it take to finish?

“I think often we relate success to winning or getting on the podium,” said Ruth Croft, who placed second last year and finished this year in record time. “But for me personally it would be racing my ass off, being in a good head space and having fun.”

Runtime: 5 minutes

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Andrew McLemore

Andrew McLemore is the Associate News Editor of Lola Digital Media.
Andrew has more than 10 years of experience covering a range of beats including government, education and business, with specializations in criminal justice and investigative journalism. He has worked for newspapers across Texas, including The Austin American-Statesman, The Dallas Morning News and The Fort Worth Weekly. He also spent several years in PR, working for nonprofit organizations including the Texas Access to Justice Commission and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
Now based in Ecuador, Andrew brings his writing experience to outdoor gear and adventures throughout the Americas. When he’s not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he’s hanging out with his dog Campana.



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