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Grasp at Work: Watch Stefano Ghisolfi Climb ‘Los Revolucionaros’ in Greece


When a master of the craft meets a route near (but not quite at) his maximum output, the flow-state flourishes.

“Los Revolucionaros” (5.14d/9a) resides in the Greek sport climbing paradise of Kalymnos. The grade easily puts it up there with some of the most respectable routes in the country — if not the world. Only the most adept climbers have clipped its chains.

Good thing Stefano Ghisolfi is one of the absolute best in the biz.

Watch the Olympian dance and weave his way to the top of the stunning limestone line in this unadulterated clip. And enjoy sick picture-in-picture action as he handles the headwall near the top of the route.

Runtime: 11.5 minutes

Ghisolfi climbs new 5.15b_9a sport route Feb. 24 2022 (Still/S. Grippo)
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Jilli Cluff

Jilli grew up in the rural southern Colorado mountains, later moving to Texas for college. After seven years in corporate consulting, she was introduced to sport climbing — and life would never be the same.
She now works as a contributor, gear tester, and editor for GearJunkie and other outlets within the AllGear family.
She is based out of Atlanta, Georgia where she takes up residence with her climbing gear and one-eared blue heeler, George Michael.

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