Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Stoic Basecamp Bivy Quilt Double: $38 (60% Off)
Stoic designed this quilt to stand up to outdoor activities. It has a water-repellent finish and synthetic insulation to keep you warm even when wet. Corner loops allow it to be staked down or hung up to dry.
ALPS Mountaineering Spirit Table: $22 (45% Off)
The fabric top and folding style are designed to allow this table to go anywhere. The top is made with polyester ripstop fabric, and the frame is made of lightweight steel for sturdiness without bulk. Two cupholders keep drinks in place while you eat or play games.
REI Co-op Levitate Sleeping Platform: $124 (50% Off)
Elevate your camping experience by elevating your sleeping area. This sleeping platform is compatible with multiple types of sleeping pads, and it’s designed to offer a more comfortable sleeping experience. It’s a steel frame with a recycled polyester shell that can accommodate up to 300 pounds.
Carve Designs All Day Tote — Women’s: $30 (56% Off)
If you’re looking for a bag that can take you from the gym to the beach and more, this tote may be an option. It has a front snap pocket, zippered interior pocket, and magnetic snap closure to keep your gear inside and organized.