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Weekend Occasion Information: Cargopalooza, Yacht Rock, fruit tree discovering, and extra


(Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Hi everyone!

We’ll have partially cloud-covered skies this weekend with a higher chance of sun on Sunday, much to the benefit of folks heading to the Willamette for The Big Float. Remember to wear sunscreen!  

Here’s our selection:

Friday, July 8th

Yacht Rock Ride – 6:00 pm at the Cart Blocks (W Burnside)
Back for another year, this classic Pedalpalooza ride promises all the tunes you love and a sunset on the water’s edge. Attire is 70s evening or leisurewear… and make sure it’s something you can dance in. More info here.

Wonder Woman Ride – 6:00 pm at Sewallcrest Park (SE)
It isn’t Pedalpalooza until rides go theming. Join folks on this event looking back on one of the most memorable female heroes of pop-culture from the last hundred years. More info here.

Saturday, July 9th

FTW Bike Camping Info Meetup – 10:00 am at Mount Scott Park (SE)
Summer is still midway through, and for this reason WeBike brings another clinic on hows and wheres to camp with your bike. Experts are also invited to share some wisdom. Once again, this event is for FTW folks only, which means it is for anyone who does not benefit from cis male privilege. More info here.

Fruit Finding Fun Ride – 10:30 am at Parkrose Community Orchard (NE)
Here’s something of an “interactive” event for the weekend. Your mission: work in teams and help the Portland Fruit Tree Project locate the most urban fruit trees in the area to win a great bounty. More info here.

Where’s Waldo – 5:00 pm
Another quest ride for the day sets folks on the search of someone in the unmistakable red and white disguise somewhere out there in the city, to later join the parade. Don’t worry! A link tracking the group will be provided by the organizers so that folks aren’t wandering around. More info here.

Sunday, July 10th

Heat Island to River Relief – 10:00 am at Lents Town Center (SE)
As it sounds, the Street Trust takes you on a ride from the hottest part of the city to the coolest. Attendants will be provided either BikeTown codes or Trimet passes (both are free!) and their ultimate treat will be tickets to The Big Float at the Willamette. RSVP is required. More info here.

Bicycle Advisory Committee Ride – 10:00 am at Lents Town Center MAX Plaza (SE)
Join PBOT staff members, Bryan Poole and Zef Wagner, on a family ride that will discuss Lower SE Rising Plan, a program assessing land use and transportation issues in Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood and its northern surroundings. More info here.

Cargo-palooza – 5:00 pm at the Splendid Bikes store (SE)
The second Cargo-palooza of the year gathers all the cargo-havers, cargo-wannabes and cargo-enthusiasts on a ride that’s all about showing off and sharing advice and ideas on how to pimp your bike. Ride ends somewhere by the river. More info here.

Stay plugged into all the bike and transportation-related events around the region via our comprehensive event calendar.


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