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‘Simply As a result of’: 20 High MTB Riders Shred the Gnar in Oregon & UK


Eye candy abounds in the latest video from Giro Sport Design, which brought together 20 stellar MTB athletes for fun rides in Oregon and the U.K.

A new video allows a variety of incredible cyclists from different areas of mountain biking to show off their skills. Whether it’s the Enduro World Series, Red Bull Rampage, slopestyle, or just having fun on dirt jumps — all kinds of MTB riding are represented.

That’s why Giro Sport Design brought together 20 of its top gravity riders for “two epic sessions” in Pacific City, Ore., and Manchester, U.K. Alex Volokhov, Brendan Howey, Carson Storch, and so many more make the cut.

“Just as they inspire us, they inspire each other,” Giro said.

Riders were even blunter in their analysis. Why do you ride? Giro doesn’t make you wait long for the answer: “Because it’s DOPE!” a world-class ripper yells.

It sure is.

Runtime: 8 minutes

Natural Selection Tour
Big-Line MTB Competition: Natural Selection Tour, Proving Grounds Team Up
The Natural Selection Tour and Proving Grounds partnership aims to push progression for athletes while creating an event like no other. Read more…
Andrew McLemore

Andrew McLemore is the Associate News Editor of Lola Digital Media.
Andrew has more than 10 years of experience covering a range of beats including government, education and business, with specializations in criminal justice and investigative journalism. He has worked for newspapers across Texas, including The Austin American-Statesman, The Dallas Morning News and The Fort Worth Weekly. He also spent several years in PR, working for nonprofit organizations including the Texas Access to Justice Commission and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
Now based in Ecuador, Andrew brings his writing experience to outdoor gear and adventures throughout the Americas. When he’s not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he’s hanging out with his dog Campana.

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