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Video: Honza Faistaver finds his Utopia on Knolly Bikes


From Knolly Bikes: “Utopia is defined as an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Honza Faistaver is a Czech rider who has been travelling the world in search of the perfect riding destination, a mountain biker’s “Utopia”. To his excitement, Honza believes to have finally found just that, here in British Columbia.”

“People from all over the world come to British Columbia to get a taste of riding some of the best trails ever. For myself, this was the exact motivation for moving to BC. Whatever trail you’re looking for, I bet it already exists here. The amount of riding you can get within just a few hours of driving is ridiculous. And the fact that there’s always something going on and there’s always someone down to ride makes this place so special. It is likely the closest thing that exists to a mountain biking Utopia.”

-Honza Faistaver 

Video by Liam Morgan


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