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Need to turn out to be an INSIDER?



With RBC GranFondo Whistler established over 12 years ago and having become one of the most lauded events in North America, we’re giving you the rare chance to become an Insider at our event kitchen’s newest concoction and test offering: XFONDO Whistler on Sat June 18th.

ItalCycling bike tours amalfi coast banner

This is not a style of event you’ve seen before. Taking on 4 types of terrain: road, gravel, dirt and trail, we’re doing away with the corporate sheen and bringing together good people to whoop at trees on some of the best riding you’ve never experienced. After, we drink beer and share stories.

What’s an Insider you say? More on that in a minute…


Let’s talk cycling for a hot second.

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If you’re a roadie, this event is for you. If you’re a gravel dirtbag, this event is for you. If you like hanging around cool people, this event is for you.

Course-wise, we’ve hand picked some of the most effective terrain in BC for getting grown adults to coo like a blitheful three-year-old.

A classic gravel event, this is not. This is wild BC. You’ve got the choice of two distances at the Year 1 test:
“Longer” 60k
“Shorter” 42k

Finish that, and then we’re on to the party.

Need a steed? We recommend bringing a gravel bike. Rent from Arbutus Routes before they’re all gone.


Okay, back to this Insider business.

Brand new types of cycling events don’t come around very often. We want you as the cycling community to be at the very heart and genesis of this event.

You to come up with honorary names for notorious sections on course. You to have your say in what type of party the post-ride celebration becomes. You to bring your BC vibes and chisel away at this baby so that our provincial neighbours come to join us with disbelieving eyes.

ItalCycling bike tours amalfi coast banner

Strictly limited to 200 early adopters, an entry into XFONDO Whistler, Sat June 18th gives you Insider access and influence over the future direction of these biking shindigs. We think you get the gist of what we’re saying.

Last 34 spots remaining. Be a friend to yourself and register now.


Got a good picture of what XFONDO is all about? Think again.

Over the past weeks and months our website has been getting a boatload of new updates and paintjobs as we continue to add and expand everything that’s coming your way.

Learn about:

So what are you waiting for? Seize the opportunity and become an Insider today (last 34 slots remaining!).



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