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Joyful Bike In every single place Day! + Map of stations


Happy Bike Everywhere Day!

This is the first return to form for the long-standing bike day formerly known as “Bike-to-Work Day.” The Cascade Bicycle Club-organized event is one of my favorite days of the year because there are usually a lot of people biking to work for either the first time or for the first time in a long time. So you can get a glimpse into the near future when biking has increased even more.

People also host “celebration stations” all over the area, which are a nice morning stop for people headed to 9 to 5 jobs. Most are open from 7 to 9 a.m., though some stations have longer hours or will be open in the early evening. Check the map for details about each one. But they are also fun to visit for those who don’t work 9 to 5 because, well, you can spend all morning biking from station to station. If you play it right, you can eat a full breakfast and drink an irresponsible amount of coffee, all for free.

This year will still not be back to full strength the way it was before the pandemic, but I’m very happy to see it back in any form.


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