Quadratec Inc. is the world’s largest independent retailer of aftermarket Jeep parts. Now, it’s giving back to the backroads and trails that help sustain its brand.
There’s no question that trail work is critical to the adventure junkie lifestyle. There’s equally little conjecture that it’s expensive.
Quadratec’s new initiative looks to support both points. The company builds and sells the most aftermarket products for Jeeps worldwide, and its “50 for 50” trail stewardship initiative is set to make an impact on trails in every U.S. state.
Throughout the next 24 months, the brand will “fully support” one trail project in each state that “enhances or improves” off-road or public land access. Operated as a grant fund, it will help project managers pay for equipment, fees, volunteer resources, food, fuel, signage, and any other typical trail expenses.
50 for 50 will take place over the next 2 years with help from Tread Lightly!, which advocates for responsible vehicle use on public lands in the U.S.
“Quadratec has always known the value of maintaining access to our public lands and off-road trails and believe it is our responsibility to support enthusiasts working towards improving the environment,” said Quadratec CEO Ted Wentz.
“We’re proud to partner with Tread Lightly! for this 50 for 50 program to help keep America’s parks, forests, and trails open for future generations.”
The program kicked off at this April’s Easter Jeep Safari in Moab, Utah. There, Quadratec, Tread Lightly!, and volunteers built protective buck-and-rail fencing around an important historical petroglyph site on the ubiquitous Kane Creek Trail.
According to Quadratec, the completed project removed 23 pounds of trash, improved 20 miles of trail, and required 288 volunteer hours (the equivalent of a full-time week for seven people).
If you think the program could help with a trail project in your state, the first step is to go to Tread Lightly! and become a member. You can only submit a 50 for 50 grant with a membership to the organization at the $50 individual level or any “club” membership. Joining the group comes with various benefits, outlined thoroughly on the site.
After that, start filling out the application form — and get ready to get your hands dirty.