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Two group rides will converge on Bud Clark celebration occasion


(Two flyers for the rides)

This Sunday Portlanders will gather in Pioneer Courthouse Square to celebrate the life of Bud Clark, the iconic former mayor who was also an everyday bicycle rider.

Clark was mayor from 1985 to 1992. For decades after he retired, Clark could be seen in the community riding his bike and he supported many bike-related advocacy events and initiatives. Mayor Bud died February 1st at the age of 90.

Sunday’s Celebrate Bud Clark event begins at 1:00 pm and will feature live music, ice cream, speeches, and so on. Because Bud loved biking, and because this is Portland, we’ve heard about two separate group bike rides that will lead to the event.

The Street Trust is hosting an all-ages and abilities ride that will meet at 11:00 am at the Goose Hollow Inn (which Clark opened in 1967). There will be coffee and breakfast to grab before the ride thanks to Fehrenbacher Hof, the coffeehouse owned by the Clark family. “Our slow-paced ride will pass by places of significance in Bud’s life and arrive at Pioneer Courthouse Square by 1pm,” reads the event description.

A second ride will leave from Fields Bar and Grill (1139 NW 11th) at 11:30 am. This ride will be led by Portland City Council candidate Vadim Mozyrsky. More details on his Instagram page.