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Weekend Occasion Information: Journey in The Dalles, Bike Loud in NoPo, Crow Scramble, and extra


Ride view goals! (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Hi everyone.

Rain is expected in Portland this weekend (especially on Friday) with mostly cloudy skies, so it may be a good idea to bring your rain gear along for the ride. For folks daring to go to The Dalles for the Japanese Hollow ride, expect some lighter rains just by the a.m. hours, with partially uncovered sky after noon.

And with that, here is our hand-picked event selection…

Friday, May 6th

Better Naito Forever Ribbon Cutting and Inaugural Bike Ride – 9:30 am at Salmon Springs Fountain (SW)
A modern urban development project designed to allow more space for bikers and pedestrians alongside the west side of Waterfront Park, Better Naito Forever is finally open to users! To celebrate, PBOT has organized an inaugural bike ride, just as it’s meant to be. More info here.

Saturday, May 7th

Cycle Cats Vista Redeemer – 9:30 am at the Vera Katz Statue on the Eastbank Esplanade (SE)
The first challenge of the weekend is brought to you by the Cycle Cats bike club, as they are leading a ride departing from the Eastbank Esplanade along the Gorge to the Vista House and back. More info here.

Bike Loud N/NE to St Johns Spring Fling! Ride – 11:00 am at Peninsula Park (N)
Join the Bike Loud N/NE Chapter crew on a family ride into St. Johns Spring Fling. Dozens of diverse business are open and each one will have specials, music or artists. More info here.

Stark St. Mileposts Ride – 11:00 am.
Canceled back in December due to unhelpful weather, AdventurePDX is back with another edition of this ride alongside historic landmarks set from SE Stark st. routing once still a wild area. Event is free and limited to 24 participants. Exact start location of start provided after registration. More info here.

Sunday, May 8th

Japanese Hollow – 10:00 am at Sorosis Park (The Dalles)
Taking place on unpaved roads south of The Dalles, an alternative challenge is this, “experimental ride which enchants adventure-seeking cyclists with its iconic landscapes, within an easily manageable distance and elevation profile.” It is fast, fun, simple and visually satisfying. The classic route is 55-mile long with 5400 feet of climbing, however there are two variations that may adjust to different skills. Bring plenty of water, snacks, stools and spares. More info here.

Corvidae Crow Scramble – 2:00 pm at Peninsula Park (N)
Corvidae Bike Club invites you to join for a Sunday-funday casual ride after your Mother’s Day brunch. More info here.

Stay plugged into all the bike and transportation-related events around the region via our comprehensive event calendar.