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Watch This WWII Fight Nurse Skydive to Have a good time Her one hundredth Birthday


Raymonde Sullivan took the leap on Monday, May 2, as a newly minted 100-year-old. Then she described the experience in a statement you might call ‘terse.’

What’s the last thing to do under the sun when you’re a century-old World War II combat veteran? For Raymonde Sullivan, it was skydiving.

Watch the 100-year-old former nurse execute a tandem dive with Skydive Sebastian, just south of Melbourne, Fla., on the Atlantic coast.

Sullivan’s comments to local NBC affiliate WPTV news follow:

Sullivan: I’ve done a lot of things in 100 years. It’s scary!
Reporter: Would you do it again?
S: No.
Reporter: One and done?
S: Yes.

You heard it here first, folks.

Runtime: 46 seconds.

At 96, Junior Bounous skied 96 days in the 21-22 season; (photos/Snowbird)
Still Shredding: 96-Year-Old Skier Nails Goal, Skis 96 Days This Season
At almost 100 years old, Utah native Junior Bounous has skied more lines in a single season than most of us could ever dream of. Read more…
Sam Anderson

Sam has roamed the American continent to follow adventures, explore natural wonders, and find good stories. After going to college to be a writer, he got distracted (or saved) by rock climbing and spent most of the next decade on the road, supporting himself with trade work. He’s had addresses in the Adirondack Mountains, Las Vegas, and somehow Kansas, but his heart belongs in the Texas hill country.

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