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Scheldeprijs LIVE – Podium Cafe


Schoten – Schoten 138 km / Terneuzen – Schoten 199 km

Flat and sprinty races for the men & women. Promise of crosswinds but as usual a question of how much of it we’ll see even if it does happen?

Women’s race is 1.1 and has a startlist with fewer stars and more Conti teams than we’re used too seeing.

Expected finish: 14:45-15:15 / 17:00-17:30 CEST

Crash Avoiders of the Day: Lorena Wiebes & Dylan Groenewegen

Wiebes is a wolf among sheep here and Groenewegen’s hefty rump should keep him well anchored in the windy conditions. The sprinters’ lineup here is ridiculously strong though.

Official site , Startlist Women , Startlist Men


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