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Assos Equipe RS Jersey S9 Targa evaluate


There’s nothing quite so wonderful as breaking out the summer cycling kit after a long winter. Summer jerseys are light and airy, with designs that are a joy to wear. They also tend to be the most visible flagship products for many brands. Summer cycling jerseys are where every brand competes to bring you the most comfortable, and the fastest designs. 

In fact, there’s so much competition in the summer cycling jersey space we have two different categories in our list of the best cycling jerseys. Not only do we have the best summer cycling jerseys but we’ve also put in a section for the best aero cycling jerseys. It’s in that second category that we’ve featured the flagship Assos race-focused jersey. For Spring/Summer 2022, Assos has updated its flagship model and given it a new name too. If you are looking for a summer jersey that’s focused on all-out speed, keep reading to see our thoughts on the Assos Equipe RS Jersey S9 Targa. 

Assos Equipe RS Jersey S9 Targa rear view

Stylistically the design is simple without much to catch the eye (Image credit: Josh Ross)

Design and aesthetics 


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