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Weekend Occasion Information: Go By Bike Journey, Swap Meet, Tweed Journey, and extra


Make your best guess. When was the photo above taken? (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

April’s first weekend will receive us with chilly temperatures, just a few clouds and little chance of rain at least until Saturday, making it a spectacular occasion to delight on the natural views all over the city. On Sunday the skies will be covered with clouds, with probable light rain in the afternoon hours, so you may need you bring your rain gear for the outdoors events on that day.

Now that you are prepared for the weather, here’s our selection of events for the weekend:

Friday, April 1st

Go By Bike 10th Anniversary Ride – 5:00 pm at Go By Bike valet (S)
Come celebrate with bike activist Kiel Johnson the tenth anniversary of the biggest bike valet countrywide with a celebratory bike ride  ending at the Lucky Lab pub for some beer. More info here.

Saturday, April 2nd

Mudslinger XC Race — Blodgett, OR (About 100 miles southwest of Portland)
Musdlinger turns 35 this year! Choose between two routes of 11 and 17 miles, climb or grind to the top of a ridge and bomb down fast-paced, loamy trails, on this mountain bike race in Blodgett, 20 minutes west of Corvallis. More info here.

Green Geckos Mountain Bike Clinic – 10:00 to 11:30 am at Newell Creek Canyon Nature Park (Oregon City)
This is a great chance for kids between 8 and 11 who are getting into riding on dirt trails to build on their trails skills and confidence. Bikes are made available and helmets are provided. More info here.

Bicycle Skyway Display and Promotion – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the PSU Farmers Market (SW)
The purpose of this display is to learn, discuss and propose about an initiative of having our own bike skyway system in the city. Stop by and bring your input. More info here.

Unity Ride – 3:00 pm at Wallace Park (NW)
The Unity Ride collective are here with a spring-y ride themed on the flowers of the season, riding to awe on some of the most beautiful spots on SW of the city this days. More info here.

Sunday, April 3rd

Tweed Ride – 11:00 am at Grant Park (NE)
After a 3-year hiatus, the Tweed Ride is back. Join dozens of stylishly-dressed bikers on a mystery route towards downtown, making this one of the city’s most peculiar rides of the season. Bring picnic, tea, and prepare for some classy fun. More info here.

Swap Meet – 1:00 to 4:00 pm at Rose City Food Park (NE)
Rose City Food Park and KD Upcycles present a bicycle and bicycle parts swap meet. Buying, selling and trading of any kind of bike parts, gear, accessories form part of the day. Beer is available. More info here.

Stay plugged into all the bike and transportation-related events around the region via our comprehensive event calendar.