Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Mountain Hardwear AP Scrambler/2 Pants — Women’s: $27 (70% Off w/ Code SPRING70)
Really great climbing and active pants have durable fabric, just enough stretch, and functional pockets — just like Mountain Hardwear designed the Scrambler/2 pants to be.
Grundens Buoy x GORE-TEX Bib: From $316 (Up to 30% Off)
For the angler that never gets turned back by bad weather, these bibs are made out of three-layer GORE-TEX designed to keep you dry without the bulk. Plus, lower leg zippers allow you to take boots on and off without taking off your bibs.
Helly Hansen Lifa Merino Midweight 1/2 Zip — Women’s & Men’s: From $77 (30% Off)
This base layer uses merino wool coupled with Helly Hansen’s Lifa technology, which wicks moisture while also providing insulation. And the quarter-zip style should fit well under other layers.
REI Co-op Wallace Lake Quarter-Zip Top — Men’s: $35 (50% Off)
This cotton sweatshirt includes a French terry backing and a kangaroo pocket for added coziness. Zip up the collar for added warmth.
Smith Vantage Helmet: $161 (33% Off)
One of our picks for best ski helmets, this helmet includes a durable exterior and lightweight, energy-absorbing impact protection. Plus, it comes with the option of MIPS technology.