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Should Watch: Can Danny MacAskill break an iPhone with a Trials Bike and a Phone Field?


Danny MacAskill is back with a slightly different form of product testing. Having recently partnered with Mous, a manufacturer of hardy protective cases for phones, tablets and laptops, Danny takes to Edinburgh’s Royal Mile for some target practice.

Will the MacBook Pro, iPhone and Tablet survive Danny’s trials bike antics?


From Danny MacAskill

I have been using a Mous case on my phone for the last 4 years which I have been seriously impressed with. So much so that we decided to start working together. To kick off our partnership we decided to show how extremely protective their cases really are by trying my best to break them whilst riding my trials bike in the streets of Edinburgh! We also thoroughly tested their brand new IntraLock™️ bike mount system. I think you’ll be as impressed as I am with how much abuse their products can handle! Enjoy!


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