Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Pearl Izumi Canyon Bike Short — Women’s & Men’s: From $34 (Up to 60% Off)
These popular mountain biking shorts are lightweight and protective. They also include a chamois liner for comfort on those long (or short) rides. Two-way-stretch fabric with an adjustable waist helps wearers customize the fit.
prAna Alana Pant — Women’s: $45 (50% Off)
Made out of prAna’s popular stretch Zion fabric, these pants are quick-dry, wrinkle-resistant, and provide UPF 50-plus protection. The side zip pocket fits most phones, and you can adjust the fit with an interior waist tie.
Patagonia Micro Puff Jacket — Women’s & Men’s: $179 (40% Off)
Get one of our favorite synthetic jackets for 40% off now. Patagonia stuffs this jacket with its own PlumaFill insulation, which allows it to pack down smaller than most synthetic jackets. That makes it perfect for your next hiking or backpacking trip.
With the security of synthetic insulation — a necessity in many damp climates — but the weight and warmth of down, the Micro Puff ticks pretty much all the boxes.
Outdoor Research Shastin Pants — Women’s & Men’s: From $45 (Up to 50% Off)
I just got these pants for climbing and everyday use, and they feel like a great cross between canvas and synthetic pants. They have enough spandex in the material to have a bit of stretch but still feel nice and durable. A DWR treatment makes them wearable outside in most conditions. Plus, they look great.
Helly Hansen Arctic Patrol Down Jacket: $300 (50% Off)
This is a jacket for the coldest of cold conditions. Body mapping with down and Primaloft synthetic insulation gives you more warmth and more water resistance where you need it. Strategically placed reinforcement material adds durability.