Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Outdoor Research Echo Hoodie — Women’s & Men’s: From $20 (Up to 70% Off)
This is one of our favorite sun hoodies! It’s light enough that it’s actually wearable when it’s boiling hot outside. I wear it climbing, running, hiking, and skiing. Get last year’s version for a sweet deal now!
Chaco Sierra Waterproof — Women’s: $90 (44% Off)
Chaco designed this waterproof sneaker-and-boot combo (with Nubuck and pigskin leather) to be comfortable and warm. It’s available in black or mahogany.
Patagonia Planing Roll Top Pack 35L: $90 (30% Off)
Designed for surfers but suitable for anyone, this backpack keeps wet stuff separate from dry. It’s ideal if you’re at the beach, the river, or around snow. The roll-top design can expand when needed or pack down small.
Eddie Bauer Guide UPF Long-Sleeve Shirt — Men’s & Women’s: $32 (60% Off)
Spending lots of time in the sun, on the water, or in the desert this spring? You need a UPF protective shirt, and this one’s only $32. Moisture-wicking properties and a cooling collar should help to keep you comfortable in the sun.
Relwen Channel Boarder Jacket — Men’s: $209 (40% Off)
This jacket has a casual style but lots of technical features. The water-resistant shell and quilted lining keep you warm while the shape allows for comfortable layering. The standup fleece-lined collar and hood add extra warmth when needed.