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2021 Bike Storage Information – Merlin Cycles Weblog


With Black Friday deals in full flow, did you succumb to temptation and add to you fleet of bikes?

We’ve all been there at one time or another. “What’s that! Where’s that going to go?” That extra bike, bought on a whim. That too good to say no offer, which had you reaching for your wallet. Explaining the necessity of the extra bike to your partner, can be easier with a really neat storage solution.


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Storage Wars

Bike riders have usually got a couple of factors which enforce a limit on bikes owned. The N+1 amount of bikes owned equation is well-known. The usual cyclist and number of bikes owned limits centre predominantly around finance and storage. Most would agree that the tricky area of finance for a new bike can be a potential minefield in household budgets. Therefore, storage should be the easier part of the problem to fix.

Grand Designs

The cycling boom has led to plenty of designers and cyclists addressing the same problem, coming up with new and innovative bike storage ideas. The right storage can elevate the right bike into a real life piece of art. This can be used to offset the price a bit too, although this could be seen as pushing your luck…


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DIY solution

Bike storage can be improvised in several ways, old crates or storage boxes can be utilised and incorporate a shelf or helmet rack. Heavy duty ‘L’ shape brackets can be bought from your local DIY store to reinforce the makeshift bike rack. It is also worth bearing in mind the weight load on your improvised bike rack will be greater than just the bike on its own. This is because the bracket from the wall acts as a lever, increasing the load on the shelf to more than just the weight of the bike. Decent size wall plug bolts (kitchen cabinet wall bolts) should do the job, providing the wall is brick / block construction. If the wall is a plasterboard / stud wall, buy heavy-duty plasterboard specific fixings or fix directly into the wooden studs. Fully check the fixings weight load rating before trusting them to hold your pride and joy!


Photo courtesy of Kelli Bramble /

Bespoke Design

Handy with the power tools? Get creative! A really nice bike store feature cabinet could provide a decent room feature. Allowing flexibility to add storage compartments for helmets, lights, locks, and spare parts. This could therefore, keep all your cycling stuff in one neat storage solution. However, this needs to be done well. A cheap looking, shoddy bike store feature, might not be so warmly received in the household. If you are going down the self-design & build route, it’s worth remembering the old wood workers, adage; Measure twice, cut once, oh and watch your fingers.


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For a much more straight forward storage, out of the box sollution, check out our range of options below;

Photo: Delta

The Delta Universal Bike Rack is a simple wall mount designed to kep your bike and helmet off the floor. It’s adjustable, padded arms are adaptable enough to fit most riders requirements, up to a weight limit of 18KG.

Photo: Delta

The Delta Leonardo Wall Mount (above) allows your bike to be hung by the front wheel. Plastic coated hooks ensure theat your front wheel will not be marked. Full details here.

The Hornet Clug (above), makes the storing of your bike both simple and effective. The Clug is available in various versions to fit most bikes and in a couple of colour options, full details here.

Photo: Steadyrack

The Steadyrack classic rack is a clever way of storing your bike(s) away using minimal space. Capable of folding almost 180 degrees with the bike mounted, the Steadyrack is flexible enough to take most bikes. There is also an MTB version available too.

Photo: Steadyrack

Check out our other Storage options here.

Still looking for a Black Friday Bike Deal? Check out or deals (added each day) this week below;

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