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‘Ladies Gone Extensive’ and Onerous Crack Climbs: ‘Tradprincess’ on 5.13 in Indian Creek


After a prolonged recovery from wrist surgery, Mary Eden returned to Indian Creek to battle a 5.13 finger crack. Watch her white-knuckle her way to the finish.

Recovering from severe injuries often poses a harder challenge for climbers than any single route. After staying off the walls for months following wrist surgery in February 2022, Mary Eden returned to Indian Creek in May.

She decided to tackle Pat’s Blue Ribbon, a 5.13- finger crack requiring endurance, balance, and a delicate crux near the finish. The straightforward video is punctuated by Eden’s heavy breathing and some dramatic, Hans Zimmer-esque music.

“It was really meaningful to resume climbing again and attempt to come back stronger and fitter than I was while I was dealing with my injury,” Eden says.

Crank it, @tradprincess!

Runtime: 8 minutes

Mari Salvesen Belly Full Flash
Climbing Big Cracks, Like Life, Is Suffering: Watch This Brutal Climb
In March 2022, Mari Salvesen flashed a fabled Indian Creek test piece. She’s the first woman and only the second person to pull it off.   Read more…
Andrew McLemore

Andrew McLemore is the Associate News Editor of Lola Digital Media.
Andrew has more than 10 years of experience covering a range of beats including government, education and business, with specializations in criminal justice and investigative journalism. He has worked for newspapers across Texas, including The Austin American-Statesman, The Dallas Morning News and The Fort Worth Weekly. He also spent several years in PR, working for nonprofit organizations including the Texas Access to Justice Commission and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
Now based in Ecuador, Andrew brings his writing experience to outdoor gear and adventures throughout the Americas. When he’s not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he’s hanging out with his dog Campana.

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