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Be taught Tips on how to Leap a Mountain Bike in 7 Minutes


All of us can appreciate when somebody tells it like it is — no obscure technical jargon, no gatekeeper attitude. Watch this guy stick the landing.

Want a tutorial on how to jump a mountain bike that anyone can understand? The Loam Ranger’s got you covered.

“We’re talking about one technique; one movement; one single thing to remember, that will have you moving more confidently over any type of jump at any speed,” the Ranger teases.

He doesn’t keep us waiting long. Check out the clip to watch him explain it all, step by intuitive step.

Runtime: 7 minutes

Watch 40 Years of Mountain Bike Evolution With Hans Rey
Watch 40 Years of Mountain Bike Evolution With Hans Rey
Watch the legendary Hans Rey gives a quick, illustrated tour of mountain bike history. Rey hasn’t lost his sense of humor — or his ability to shred. Read more…
Sam Anderson

Sam Anderson is a staff writer at GearJunkie, and several other All Gear websites.

He has been writing about climbing, cycling, running, wildlife, outdoor policy, the outdoor industry, vehicles, and more for 2 years. Prior to GearJunkie, he owned and operated his own business before freelancing at GearHungry. Based in Austin, Texas, Anderson loves to climb, boulder, road bike, trail run, and frequent local watering holes (of both varieties).

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