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Abus Bordo 6500A SmartX lock overview: A lock and not using a key


While working on our list of the best bike locks one of the things we identified was how much people appreciate folding locks. Bike shops tend to sell them a lot because they are convenient to use, and you get an easy-to-mount lock that’s got more adaptability than a U-lock. The problem is they aren’t always the most secure option. The Abus Bordo series of locks bucks the trend by offering a Sold Secure Gold folding lock. 

Among the options for the Abus Bordo line of locks, the 6500 is the most secure but there are a few variations. The standard key lock is the most common available but there’s also an alarm version with keys and the Abus Bordo 6500 SmartX at the top of the lineup. The SmartX is expensive and cutting edge, but does it work? After spending time testing to see what it was like to use, we are ready to share. If you’ve had your eye on the ultimate folding smart lock, keep reading to see our thoughts on using it. 

Abus Bordo 6500A SmartX alone

Security means weight but a folding lock makes it easier to carry.  (Image credit: Josh Ross)

Design and aesthetics 


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